Work with me...

Does this sound familiar?

You have reheated your tea 4 times and STILL can't sit down to drink it...
Your "To-Do" List has things on there from 6 months ago and it's NOT GETTING ANY SHORTER...
You have mastered so many things but have absolutely NO IDEA how you would EVER take care of YOU...

You could...
- Keep juggling ALL those balls in the air worrying about what happens when you drop one (because you will)
- Always be exhausted but never really able to sleep well (middle of the night worries??)
- Continue drinking lukewarm tea... 

Let me show you how things can change. Drop the juggling act, sleep well, and nourish your body, mind, and spirit! 
I am ready to support you
- in clearing the way
- in guiding you to let go of some of those distractions
- in finding alignment in ALL you do...

I get it. I've been there. Sometimes I still am...
But through the years of digging deep and doing my own inner work I have developed tools to manage, motivate, and align. I've learned what helps calm those niggles in the belly and that "Monkey Mind". I've created habits that motivate and move us into that open spaciousness of support from the universe.

You feel it in your bones.
You know it in your heart.
You feel the call of your Truest Self.

The time is NOW. You can wait NO LONGER.

Ways to work with me!  

Whether it's through Kundalini Yoga, Traditional Yoga,  or a Private Mentorship, I help you release what is no longer yours and become the BADASS you know you are!

Click on any of the images below to begin our journey together:   


The practice of Kundalini is a practice of LIGHT & Alignment! 
It is a practice of breath, movement, & awareness that brings about paradigm shifts in all aspects of your world! 

This practice gives us gentle support from the universe and attunes us to our highest, truest potential. 

Check out ways to Practice Kundalini with me!


I have taught yoga at fitness centers, schools, yoga studios, and in my community for over 20 years.

My philosophy is simple- everyBODY can do yoga, regardless of shape, size, or experience.

And EVERYONE should have the chance to experience yoga in their own bodies.

Join me on your mat!


This is for anyone who is ready to commit to manifesting a way of life that is integrated and aligned. 

The purpose of Embodied Yoga Coaching is to offer individualized, detailed support for YOU as you clear old stories and blockages and create new habits that align with your truest purpose & intent.

Receive my undivided attention as you refocus and redesign your LIFE into one filled with Magic, Joy, and Clarity!!!